The Kryptonite Battle continues....
Ok...So awhile ago on The Sidekick's blog he asked a question about whats your "kryptonite". As a side note those who do not get the reference to kryponite..get the fuck out!!! Of course as a side note to myself, if somebody didnt get that reference, Iprobably lost them a long time ago. But back to the topic at hand. So little to his imagination he has started a small trend in a circle of friends about listing their individual "kryptonite's". Now I had posted on this before as comment to the original post. But I have decided to list them here again in an updated directors -cut, special edition dvd form. I have however decided to strike the original number one (i.e. girls) as it is every guys weakness,(unless of course you call gel "product"and you "frost" your hair), and if they tell you other wise they are lying. So i guess on with the list.
1.) As you can tell by the common theme of this little rant space of mine I dig on the music and movies. As an art form ,an indulgence, an escape from the day to day grind of life music or a good movie can make everything bad go away. They are a bookmark in our life. How many times have you heard an album..or rewatched a movie and you remeber th first time you saw or heard that. I could go on. but i wont.
2.)Caffine.Now I realize that I may be "addicted" to caffine., however I perfer to say we have a close friendship and a deep understanding. I get it in two ways(I DO sound like an addict don't I?) On is in Diet Coke, which I switched to about a year ago after drinking the real stuff, now there is no way i could go back. I think its the aspertame. The second way I get my "fix" is Tim Horton's. extra large coffee 3 cream 1 sweetner...aah extra large cup filled with caffine goodness...
3.)Going out for breakfast. It has until recently become a weekly ritual. The Sidekick and family and I hitting the local all day diner for a large breakfast full of eggs hashbrowns and the all important french toast instaed of pancakes(on a seperate plate mind you). See going out for dinner is great don't get me wrong, there is just something about the never ending cup of coffee and breakfast made by the pros(or the minimum wage worker of the week..but hey he still cooks for a living.Makes him a pro in my book.)
4.) Ok its not very interesting and its loathed by millions is a kryptonite. Now except for the fact that I haven't (medically) been able to play as much as I would like(damn pinched nerves)this is something that I would do with even my worst enemy. Hitler could call me up and I would go. That would be an interesting day though wouldn't it. "My ball is best cause it is white!!! all other balls pale in comparisson to my ball! My ball is the epitomy of what golf balls should be!!! All other must be expelled from the course and relegated to the driving range!!"Yes adolf now just hit the damn ball!!"......on second thought.....
5.)The last one could probably go with the music one ...but live music. Its a good thing I don't live in a major city where alot of the good bands go. I would be poorer than I already am. One maybe two a year(pearl jam this year).I am missing Bob Dylan, The White Stripes, The Foo Fighters,JAck Johnson and Robert PLant(screw you!!! yeah you know who thats directed at!!)
But oh well thats the list. We definetly all have vices don't we. Its funny most people I have talked to name things or activities as weaknesses, but it was asked if a person could be a weakness?..this I agree with. I think a person could definetly be a weakness. It couyld be the little things they do for you, it could be the way they brighten your day, the list could go on and on. Like the many colours of Kryptonite in Superman's world, there are different kyrptonites for different people.but what you gonna about that twelve step program.....................
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