Things to brighten ones day

So I am settled in nicely to the new apartment and new city. Except for a small chair incident the4 move went well, it is kinda weird living in a place where you don't know anyone except those that you work with, and you can't/don't want to hang out with them. Even if the 20 year old servers want you to go to the same bars with them and such. That is just bad news. But the Hetero-life mate is coming over to spend a few days next week so that will be fun. I see a menu of gin and tonics with poker mixed in for good measure on the horizon. Things have been good though i work alot so it's not like I have a huge amount of spare time anyway, and when I do I have been hitting movies. Glad I got over making fun of people who go to movies by themselves as i am now one of them, it's actually kinda liberating and you don't have to agree with some one on what you wanna see you just go. And if I want to see two in one day I can do that too.
(Speaking of which I saw the new Clint Eastwood movie "Gran Torino" yesterday. I really think Clint just gets better as he rolls along. Great Movie!)
But enough about that. On to pressing matters. Did you wake up this morning in a bad mood? As you read this are you having a good day? well I have something for you that always brightens my day....the trailer for a NEW TARANTINO movie!! It looks, as usual, full of Tarantino goodness...can't wait
And as a side helping of awesomeness
A New Tragically Hip album hits stores April 7th...again can't wait. Click for a preview
Say where and when. I'll go.
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