I think this is the first time...

So when it comes to downloading music, I don't do it very often, i would say that I am a minimal user of the downloading services.I would say that I use the downloading services as much as a person uses in good judgment in buying a Nickelback cd..But I digress..
If there is something I really want to hear , like a new release, I generally wait. I go into the den of temptation that is the local Best Buy(or Future Shop or HMV) and pick up said new release on the day it comes out, unwrap it slip it into the cd player in the car and go for a drive
. This changed this week. For the first time ever, I am going to give you an opinion on a disc that comes out next week as for the last few days i ahve been listening to the new EMINEM album RELAPSE. Now I don't listen to alot of the rap or hip-hop anymore save for the Kanye and some K-os it seems to me the hip-hop/Rap world has disintegrated into a genre killing soup of unoriginality that Timbaland does the re-mix for, and T-pain sings the hook.
Truth be told the music industry needed a new Eminem album. He is arguably the best rapper on the planet. You never know what he's going to say, you might not agree with it but you want to hear what he has to say. He will attack anyone, pick on anyone and has a knack for making his albums a great mix of the fun songs like "Without Me", "My name is" and the newest single "We made You", but also have the serious side with songs like "Stan", "Mosh", "Till the music stops" and in my opinion "The Marshall Mathers LP" and "The Eminem Show" are genius albums.
Relapse however tries hard to live up to those albums, and I think so many people are looking forward to this album that it's really not going to live up to any of the expectations. I am not saying it's a bad album at all, but it has some big shoes to fill. I think the album if listened to in sequence makes much more sense than n shuffle in the ipod.But on repeated listening this albums is pretty darn good. I think people that buy the album for the single" We made You and "Crack a bottle" won't like the whole thing, but people that can look past those songs will find the heart of the album. He seems to be tring to be innovative, songs like "Beautiful" are right up there with some of his best songs like "Lose Yourself", it is a true Highlight of the album. Dr.Dre produces most of the album and this is always a good thing. Dre and Eminem make a powerful team on the "boards" as they say and in the studio together. "Crack a bottle is proof of that.
I guess my long as ramble of opinions here come down to the fact that yes this is a good album, yes Eminem iss in good form, it has it's wide appeal songs and I think that you should go and listen to it if you liked anything he has done in the past, but it makes you appreciate the genius that were "The Mashall Mathers Lp and "The Eminem show".
I'd like to believe you about the Nickelback, but, dude, we have to fix this problem you have where you think that anyone other than Kanye actually loves Kanye. Don't ask me about the lamer who can't spell.
But I'm awaiting this album, and anxiously so. I agree about the big shoes, and was worried that a few years out would turn MM into a self-loving egotiste like the bleating cattle he's marketed against.
Hoping for an album with more than 'uh. uh. uh. Yeah boiiii, uh. uh. uh' for lyrics and thus is better than every other rap act out there by the virtue of having writing and talent, I'm glad you were here to tell me "shhh, dude, it's all right. Eminem won't drop a turd of kanye proportions" and I can now sleep.
ya i have it on heavy rotation.
ganja song
pauls skit.
awesome production.
but at this point dre could record bassey farts and I would be pleased.
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