Friday, June 02, 2006

The Death of...

I had a whole rant about some U.S. Politics stuff about borders and such, but a matter of a greater importance than sharing my latest thoughts on the trainwreck that is the Bush administration came to mind. A matter that we all need to wake up and fix damn it. People...the movie theatre is dying!

I was reading an article in the latest fourtune magazine that I jacked from the stand at work and it talking about the different powerbrokers in Hollywood, the new young producers and the like, but there was also an article on Shari Redstone(her father is Sumner Redstone)who runs National Entertainments. One of the US's biggest theater chains and about what they are doing to get people in the doors.

For a long time I thought that the declining movie going audience(some reports say that over the past 5 years audiences have declined about 25-30%) was because Hollywood just wasn't putting out quality movies. The movie industry of course blames piracy. But then again if the heads of the studios got up and they had no milk for their cereal they would blame piracy too, but I digress.

But more and more it seems that it's technology that is hampering things for the theater owners. People's home entertainment systems have gotten so good that they don't really need to leave the house to experience a movie like you would in the theater, and with the ever increasing short turn around from theater to DVD the casual movie-goer will stay home where they are comfortable, can smoke, eat what they want or sit in their underwear and watch the adventures of Sam and Frodo or the latest action movie in peace.

This is wrong. I for one love going to the theater. Nothing beats the big screen ,smell of pop corn ,snotty teen age ushers and making fun of the guy by himself. The only thing is at home you don't have to tell the three kids behind you that snuck into the movie in the first place to shut the fuck up! The theater is the only way to experience movies for the first time.

So people get up and go out to a movie house. Go see the latest pop corn flick, take the boy\girlfreind\wife to see a chick flick something god damn it just go. Go on cheap night(if offered by your theater) go to a second run theater and see movies you love from years ago that you didn't get to see on the big screen.Just go! the movie theaters of your towns and cities need you.

So when the kids say "Hey can we rent movies?" you look deep into that childs eyes and big smile as they look back at you with the hope that you will say yes so they can rent the latest teen\child movie and say ...."Fuck No! little Bobby ..we goin out to the movies". Make it a tradition ,hit a Sat matinee, I don't care but go out to a theater damn it live the dream, I know it can be expensive but live a little damn it. It's still cheaper than filling your gas tank!...


At 7:03 AM , Blogger Lunchbox said...

Dude, I despise the movie theatre. Overpriced tickets, overpriced snacks, the only thing they offer is a big-ass screen. If we have something to give us the same kind of experience at home, then I say So Be It.

Unfortunately, a theatre is a business selling a product which is becoming largely obsolete.There will be some diversification into other things - like late-night shows without baby-strollers, brit-style seat designation, maybe some wings and beer, that kinda stuff. Improve the seats and offer something more than surly ushers, cellphones and piracy ads which look like PSAs and insult our intelligence (theft is a different crime). Then it's a viable business, in my books.

I think that very few cinema houses will survive the coming cataclysm, since the MPAA's eaten into any profit margin they ever had/saved, but the ones which do will be fun places to be once again. So I'm not gonna go just to prop up some dying antiquated institution, but I will save my cash to go when it offers enough incentive.

WV offers unintelligible doom predictions with 'trbhcd', but a bit of Spanish suggests the houses need to work a bit. Mondo Verificacion agrees, then.

At 8:47 PM , Blogger Dlae said...

I have to agree with Bish on this. I like going to the movies, but the only attraction is the size of the screen. Why should I pay to have to put up with all the extra crap when I can just do the same thing at my home.

I hate the commericals in the theatre more than anywhere else I come across them. The theatre was always the one place you could count on to avoid commericals. Now between them and the anti piracy ads, it's a fucking waste of time to sit through that shit.



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