Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Why is it that British people don't seem to have taste?

As you regular readers(all 5 of you) of this thing may have noticed..It's been awhile since I have posted, for some reason I have not been able to get past writing two sentences before my idea escapes me.... All this changed with the morning trip to the local Tim Horton's for the morning coffee and bagel with the Heterolife mate.

While standing inline waiting for to order the morning cup of steaming caffeine filled goodness, resigned to the fact that I will once again be invited to 'Play again" I happened to pick up the arts & Life section of the National Post...This is when I saw it...fuckin Bono on the front page..This alone would be enough to renew my plight in trying to have Bono disappear from the face of the earth.... With the tag line"U.K loves Bono's lyrics like a fat kid loves cake.

Well now this was worth my time to read, let's see how silly those rascally Britains are, I thought to myself. So I open up the section to page B6 as directed, but even through the news print I could smell the Bono-badness so I really didn't need the directions anyway. Upon opening to pg B6 I find that this weekend in Britain U.K VH1 ran a poll as to what there favorite song lyrics are. Not songs, bands or albums but lyrics interesting I thought.

So Bono and his followers came in first with -"One life, With Each Other, Sisters and Brothers" my first question was why? Then I looked at the rest of the list 100 lyrics and I instantly questioned the taste and in some cases intelligence of the British people. The Beatles don't show up till # 25..This is the Beatles we are talking about here plus it was from one of the best Beatles songs ever.. The opening lyric from "A Day in The Life"..I couldn't believe it. To give you an idea of what was on the list before this I'll give you a sampling

"Look at the Stars.Look at how they shine for you"- Coldplay, Yellow

"Life is a minestrone,Served up with Parmesan cheese"-10cc, Life is a minestrone

"I love you like a fat kid love cake"-50cent, 21 questions

"Now let me welcome you to the wild, Wild west, A state that's untouchable Like Elliot ness"-Tupac Sakur feat Dr.Dre

Sure there were great artist on the list before the Beatles(Pink floyd. Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, Nirvana) but the Beatles are a bench mark in song writing. aside form the fact that they were so far down on the list and the quality of lyrics before them was clearly lacking, another glaring quality of the list was who wasn't on the list..No RollingStones, Led Zepplin,Neil Young, Stevie Wonder, Johnny Cash(come on.. "I shot a man in Reno Just to watch Him Die.. genius) but plenty of Arctic Monkeys, Kaiser Chiefs, Abba, and Robbie Williams...god help us if Robbie Williams in on the list...If you know someone in Britain slap them for me... there that's my music snob rant for the day...
if so inclined leave a sample of a lyric that you should think should be on the list.....fucking Bono...just can't escape the bastard..


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