Sunday, April 02, 2006

Just the right mix of stupidity....

Finally I feel like I can put more than a couple of sentences together into some sort of cohesive thought, well as cohesive as things get in this corner of cyber space anyway. Sometimes all it takes is the right playlist(which today consists of "The Flaming Lips , Phish, Ray Charles , The Band and The Tragically Hip) and a coffee, or spending a day in "Clown country" under the waning rule of not everybody's favorite "Uncle", but that is soon to change as "The winds of change" are sweeping through. More on that topic at another time however.

Today the topic is frustration. Now I generally don't go of about things that piss me of around there but today is different. It may be the little things that mean alot but it's also mindless little things that can piss a guy of to no end. They may sound petty and dumb but to fuckin bad. So here it is a list of things that are bugging me today.

1.People who take up two parking spaces-- Hey you, yeah you in the 1986 Honda civic with the stereo that costs-more-than-your-car-but-you need-something-to-play-whatever-popular-Hip-hop-music-that-is-popular-that-day-on, You are NOT in case you noticed it in the Fast and the furious. Don't park like a fucking retard because you don't want someone to scratch your paint...Idiot.

2.The Arrow clearly isn't pointing that way- Why is it in a parking lot especially a busy one people can't follow a directional sighn. Hey mental midget your the one going the wrong way, don't glare at me..fuck tards.

3.The music snob in me can let this go- If your are going to wear the shirt of a band then don't you think you should know something about the band? Who's in it? Something. Especially when that band is one of the BIGGEST in history. A true fan could tell you something about the band aside from they 'Love Stairway dude...And as a side note to ignorance no one's favorite Zepplin song is Stairway to Heaven..fucking no imagination hearded fucking sheep....

4.Ok so you only get your Government check once a month- The last Wednesday of every month..fucking Welfare day...Don't you think you should maybe buy some food for home. $40 in real food goes alot farther than going to visit those of us in "Clown Country"...Get your damn priorities straight...or better yet a job...

5.Let's Rename the game- What game you ask?...I\ll give you a hint. Let's call it "Roll up the Rim to Fucking lose as we watch you and laugh that you think you were actually going to win!!...I think Bono is behind this...Fucker...

That's it petty damn arguments, and I know there are more important things to gripe about...but today thats my list....god I need some sleep.....


At 3:59 AM , Blogger Lunchbox said...

But my fave song of theirs IS StH. I'm sorry, man, but it is. It's just awesome.


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