Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Let's take the attention away from the middle east shall we?

Any regular reader of this space will know a few things right away. I have a deep love for the music and movies and pop culture in general and I think George Bush is an idiot...Today's little rant is about the latter.

So I wake yesterday morning and turn on the T.V. to check out the morning news and there he was an all his "Gosh-darn -I-don't know what I am saying-because I am an idiot" splendor. And he was announcing that he was supporting an amendment to the U.S. constitution that would make gay marriage illegal, through out all the land. As it is now down below the 49th parallel the definition of marriage is defined by the courts, what this amendment would do is take that power away from the courts. This would mean that all states would have to follow the constitution in the definition of marriage, thus making same-sex marriage illegal. Which in my humble, Canadian, straight guy opinion is down right wrong. The funniest thing was at the end of his little speech he said that all people deserve to be treated the same. Hypocrite...

Now the amendment will be defeated that is a given .The real thing that bothers me about this whole issue is a many sided coin my friends, from the whole running on religion issues to the failure to change with the times and recognize the changes in society.

The U.S. has always had the image as the land of opportunity and the free, but here they are trying to take away peoples rights. How would you feel if a government telling you how to live?, who you could marry? I just think it's wrong to let ones personal religious beliefs affect the standard of living and basic rights of a person. If a guy wants to marry his boyfriend what affect does that have on my life?..Nothing exactly..Go ahead do what you want. People need to get their head out of their asses and realize that the world is no longer the image that Ozzie and Harriet portrayed in the 50's. No one should be telling anybody how to live. Oprah and Dr.Phil do enough of that already.

No George just wanted to make his ultra conservatives supporters happy by making good on a campaign promises and take some attention away from that other little thing he started in Iraq and Afghanistan. I can't stress enough how much religion needs to be taken out of politics. Am I saying this because I am not a religious person?..I may not be religious but that's not the reason why. It just makes sense, religion is just bad news when trying to run a country. It clouds your perception and judgment. Some of the greatest blights on human history can stem from the personal beliefs of a leader, the Crusades, Germany from 1939-1945. Thank God I live in Canada where things. I feel, are a little more forward thinking based. Hell all the same-sex couples can move here and get married, unless of course Steven Harper follows the example of his Idol Goergie-Porgie....


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