Friday, August 01, 2008

A heads up battle..

So the other day, thanks to the Hetero-life mate, I got in my hands on a ZUNE mp3 player. The supposed "ipod killer" from Microsoft. He had showed me his and I was slightly intrigued as I am a huge fan of my ipod nano, and wanted to see what some of the fuss was about.

A quick background, but Microsoft first started selling the Zune a couple of years ago but it has failed to over take the ipod or even challenge the ipod for sales and market share. Most of the complaints being about design flaws and usability in terms of the controls. Most people just stayed with the ipod as they improved a few things and became the VHS to the Zune's beta-max in term of popularity, and I admit I was one of those people. It was a big deal when I finally switched from the discman of yester-year to the wonderful world of ipod. I didn't think it could get any better. I took the ipod everywhere, shopping, the gym, trips,the coffee shop walking along the streets of Vancouver so that people wouldn't bug me for change. It was (except for the earphones)a music listening pleasure and why switch from perfection.

After playing with the Zune the last couple of days I am not totally convinced anymore that the ipod nanao(the one most people have) is the way to go anymore. In terms of playback both are great and have no real issues with the sound quality of either players, and that's the main thing. The music quality,no matter what player you are using, should be one of the most important things to look at. I dop like the click wheel of the ipod a little better than that of the Zune(zune pad). I however do like the menus on the ZUNE better. They just simply look better than on the ipod. I like that the ZUNE will automatically find all the album covers and put them on the screen as you play the music. It's one of those little things I can appreciate. I like that it syncs automatically when you plug it in.

The Ipod however has itunes at it's disposal. And I do like the ease of using itunes over the Zune software. I think itunes does a better job of making it easier to make playlists and sort through your music collection. The ZUNE also has a feature that I haven't had a chance to try yet and that is wireless syncing. It allows you to synce your ZUNE with another ZUNE wireless...kinda nifty for some one who like to push....I mean ..share music with others.

Do I have a favorite both are equally good, they do both the same things but the ZUNE is a little more visually appealing in terms of displays and menus. SO no...I haven't thrown the ipod away yet, I think it will always be the stand by and market leader, I do however plan on spending some quailty time with the know just spending time as friends...nothing serious...get to know one another a little better...see where it goes..


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