Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I waited...and it was worth the wait..

So the one thing I have enjoyed about working and living in the big city is the fact that I have better chances to go see shows. Now sure I work WAY too much and don't always get the chance to go to shows...but the opportunity is there none the less.

As I mentioned before I have seen the Mighty Neil Young, Saw the Hip again and this past weekend I saw a show that I have been dying to see. I would see the tickets eevry time I sat at the computer, taunting me, making me wish for the day to get here, when the Hetero0life mate would be here and we would be drinking beers downtown in anticipation of the show. The show in question?....the awesomeness that is KINGS OF LEON.

Now the Kings and I go way back to when the Home office told me to seek them out. It wasn't long after Aha Shake Heart Break came out. I remember when and where I bought both albums(Yes you twits who just heard about them when "Sex is On Fire" came out, they have more that one album. And I know who all you people were in my section too. You are all the people that would sit down and look confused when they played "Molly's Chambers" or "Four Kicks", thinking this isn't "Notion"...fuckers..)

To say I was excited about the show is an understatement, I have been a little annoyed though that this little band I would tell people about, that they never heard of were now this big Heir to the throne of modern rock(I will point point out that 4 years ago I said they would be looked upon as saviors of rock...just sayin..) and I feared the set list would be filled with songs from the new album. I am glad to say I was not disappointing. After opening the show with "Be Somebody" the next s4 or 5 songs were all of the first 2 albums and they continued that for the whole show. they were simply put...awsome and I will go see them again and again. Here's a little sample of the show that night. Wish I had these seats..

p.s.- The opening act was a band called The Whigs, they are from Georgia and are actually pretty cool. Go check them out


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