Back to the lighter side if things...

One thing that came out of posting yesterday is I actually forgot how much I enjoy this little corner of the cyber universe I have created for myself...and in this day and age of twitter(yes I know I have one of those accounts as well) I have discovered I miss the act of blogging,I miss the space available in a blog as opposed to the quick hits of a twitter post, I miss searching for the right words(spelled wrong most of the time)to convey my ideas and thoughts. Taking an idea that I thought was interesting or entertaining and sharing it with my spin on it. I miss trying to introduce new music to people or sharing my thoughts on movies with the cyber universe!!
I stand before you(not really of course that would be a little creepy) a reinvigorated and rededicated blogger ready to re attack this space with the vigor of that a 14 year old boy attacks his computer after discovering how easy it is to find porn for the first time!
And it starts today damn I wanna talk about that wait...the story about being on skytrain the other day when this wait..I... oh shit who am I kidding..i gots nothin...enjoy a little Daniel Wesley...
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