Wednesday, January 11, 2012

You can thank the Rambler for this.

It has been said that one of the scariest things for a writer is the blank page infront of them.

I can understand that statement. You would think that for someone who is getting paid to, figurativly, put pen to paper, to expound on a topic to some depth of understanding that they have reached,and to have convey or share that information with others through your choice of words would be a little scary. To know that your mortgage, car, food and beer money is dependent on your understanding of the difference between "there",'they're" and "their' would be daunting.

Poor suckers ..just that thought makes me understand authors or writiers who drink.

That aint to drink? absolutly. but being paid to write? furthest thing from it. I am just a dude who started a blog after his friend did and really enjoyed it.

But then somethiung happened, not sure what it was, but life got in the way and the blog went by the wayside a little. And after a couple of failed attempts at starting again here I am..attempt v.4.5.
I will make no promises about consistency but I think im feeling a little inspired again. Probably has something to do with seeing The HomeOffice start again and the constant updates by The Rambler...or that when you can't sleep you can only watch so much porn.

So stop by everyonce in awhile..I'll be here..

(soundtrack to this post..The Velvet Undeerground-Loaded)


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