Sunday, September 24, 2006

This is what you get on a lazy Sunday....

Everyone knows Superman. He is on of those iconic characters of our childhoods. We all know that he stands for "Truth, Justice, and The American Way". We can all, especially after the marketing campaigns for the movie this summer, pick out the "S" emblem and know what the costume looks like. Even if you don't read comic books this is common knowledge.

Now that we have gotten past that, this next sentence is either going to make you click away or hold your attention till the end, but the choice will have to be made. Ok are you ready? What if Superman was real? I do mean this seriously.

Look at it this way, in Superman's world he universally loved(except by maybe Lex Luthor)and revered. Governments and other planets look to him for help. No questions asked. Do you really think this would fly in the real world? Fuck no. Here you have a guy that can fly, move mountains and shoot heat rays out of his damn eyes, and the people in charge are just going to let this go? Yeah Right.

Governments and scientist would be combing the earth for this guy. Scientist would be wanting to study his "alien make-up" and would have him locked up in some kryptonite laced lab for ever if they could. In effect stopping him from fighting crimes, stopping the in justices of the world and saving kittens from trees.

They would then take the information that they had gathered through years of tests and intense research and sell it to companies who will in turn, then turn it into a military application allowing them to create a whole army of these super-soldiers( that I am sure would still not be able to find Osama Bin Laden)to terrorize, I mean police the world.

Kryptonite would be the most valuable substance in the world that countries around the world would be lining up to buy, because how else are you going to fight a threat like that? And that's only if the Americans found him first.
He would be the world's most wanted guy.

Superman would in effect become the worlds most powerful W.M.D. A mere pawn to be used by the government at will to scare other countries to their way of thinking. Letting the US take over the world remaking it in it's own image thus making us watch endless hours of Nascar day after day.

Other nations of course would not stand for this and would try and stand up to the threat, Superman would in fact be the cause of World War whatever were on by then

...Man that would be scary... Good thing he's not real eh?

Youtube clip of the day.....


At 3:37 PM , Blogger Lunchbox said...

Hey! Where's that DLAE guy? Is he still alive? Can it be that your blog is more up-to-date than his? Isn't that, like, the seventh sign or something?

At 1:17 AM , Blogger jobe said...

Due upgraded to "blogger beta", bitch can't leave comments anymore on any Non-beta blogs. And he's says I am an elitest(yeah spelled wrong bitch, wanna going to do leave a comment..oh wait..) all he can do is read away..Blogger beta...bastrds...I'm changing tomorrow....


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