Monday, August 07, 2006

"But what could they have left to say after the first movie?"

It has been a common problem in Hollywood since day one. What problem is that you ask? Is it the stars that act like spoiled children, the drug use and hard parting by stars, Scientology?..No my friends, the biggest potential of evil in Hollywood is...The sequel.

Hollywood, always looking to make the fast buck and beat a good idea into the ground has always had the problem of going back to the proverbial well one to many times. Don't get me wrong there are good sequels out there, some that even eclipse the original. For instance:

1. Empire Strikes Back
2. X-men II-X-men United
3. Spider-man 2
4. Lord Of the rings:The Two Towers
5. Star Trek 2- The Wrath of Kahn
Are all example of sequels that improved on the original. Movies that took the original idea and improved or continued the standard that the original set. Unfortunate that is not always the case, now you look at things and you see for every "Jurassic Park" there is a "Lost World", for every "Raiders of the Lost ark" there is a "Temple of Doom" and don't even get me started on Superman 3&4. Don't you wish Hollywood would just stop sometimes and be like "Whoa there for a second...I know we made a good deal of money on this idea before..But can we improve on it?...Maybe we should just it it go".

With that train of thought we wouldn't get those straight to DVD gems like "Wild Things 2" or "Gladiator 2" or any of the other crap that they release straight to the stores that are sequels, yet are basically the same movie with a lower budget and no real stars.

Oh you didn't know those movies existed?...Trust me neither did I till I walked through a video store one day. But the thing that really got me thinking about this was this movie trailer.

I have always accepted sequels for what they are but jesus, who green lights this shit?, Where's the quality control? So I have decided to list what I think are the most useless and unnecessary sequels of the last little couple decades or so. If your favorite movie is on the following list then leave this place now...Right now and never come back..No taste having bastards.

Worst sequels:

1. Batman and Robin- Yes that's right folks George Clooney Killed Batman..Thank god for Christopher Nolan though.Joel Schumacher who directed this movie has since apologized for it. To little to late Mr.Schumacher, the minute you put nipples on the Batsuit you should have known where this was going...Idiot.

2. Godfather 3- So fucking usless thats all there is to it..

3. Blair Witch 2- I liked the first one. I thought it was cool little idea of a movie that actually kinda creeped me out. Then they made this crap.

4.Highlander 2- The first movie was all about immortal sword fighters tracking each other down through the centuries and killing each other(the only way to kill an immortal?..chopping off their head) "till there is only one". Part2...You find out they are aliens from outer space..What the Fuck!!

5.On Her Majesty's Secret Service- The worst Bond movie ever. The life-time playboy finds "true love" and gets married. First off, Bond doesn't get married...Ever. This was in my mind the worst portrayal of Bond ever Followed by the two Timothy Dalton movies. To far from the heart of the character.

6. Blues Brothers 2000- The first was a comedic classic. This was just classic crap. From a music stand point it has some cool performances and appearances by great musicians(like the first one) but a horrible story and bad acting. And of course most notably...No John Belushi. And then there's the kid...God help me...

7. Speed 2- The first was an ok summer popcorn movie. The second was just a boring piece of completely useless film.

8. Caddyshack 2- This falls into the same category as Blues Brothers 2000, None of the elements(save for Chevy Chase and he wasn't even that funny) that made the first one a comedic pleasure returned for this. Instead of Bill Murray and Rodney Dangerfeild and Ted Knight, we get a horrible Dan Ackryod, Jackie Mason(Who?..excatly)and Robert Stack.

9. Superman 3 and 4- I know I mentioned these earlier, they definetkly deserve to be on this list. The first 2 movies were good. They "made you believe a man could fly" and were well crafted(except for the cellophane S in #2)adventures of a beloved icon So what happened to 3 and 4(which for this post only I will admit exist)they tsarted this downward spiral of stupidity. The premise for 3, a computer takes over Superman and he has to fight synthetic kryptonite laced with tobacco tar splits his personality in two. Part 4. Well the title "Quest For Peace" says it all. Superman tries to rid the world of nuclear weapons blah blah blah. An utter disappointment.

10.Ocean's 12- It hurts me to put this on the list. There are many other movies that deserve to be on the list like "Jaws-The Revenge" or The Matrix sequels( The First one was sooo good. A great original idea that went in the fucking shitter.) But I put this on the list because I wanted to like this movie so much going in and it just didn't deliver. The first one was a definition of cool. A heist movie with a great cast, set in Vegas. What more could you ask for. This was just a disappointment. It seemed like they were just going through the motions. One can only hope that Ocean's 13 will be better, but I am not holding my breath.

Like I said there are many more movies that could have been on this list, but given the current state of Hollywoods total lack of original ideas and total willingness to remake any old TV show(Dallas anyone?) or any sequel I am sure this list will grow after some time. Now I am going to go watch a good movie that stands alone and doesn't need a sequel..."High Fidelity" here I come


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