Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Five years..Plus a day....

I was going to not post about September 11th. I have done so in the past and feel that any regular readers of this crazy place will know my thoughts on the topic. But for some reason I cant let it go past without saying something..

Like anyone out there I remember were I was that day. It kinda does seem like forever ago but it was only five years ago that I was awoken by a phone call that said "Check out CNN, it's fricken WW III". I turned on the T.V. just as the second plane hit. I clearly remember being glued to the tv for the next 6 hours before work that day. I truly do feel for the families and people that had to live through that ordeal. I however, like Dlae has said, think that being Canadian, we don't maybe truly appreciate the impact on the culture of the U.S that this event had.We have a different point of view. Which makes sense, I can watch the video from that day for hours, I find the whole thing interesting and thought provoking. As Canadians it affected us differently. Our society hasn't been affected by it like that of our southern neighbours. It seems to me they won't show the video of the planes actually hitting any more on news-shows unless it's the anniversary. It still seems like a country in denial and grieving at times. It doesn't help that their moron of a leader is still has that country in a war that they use that event as a basis for. After the "War on Terror" is over(like that will happen) they should add the casualties from that day to the death toll from the war cause really it's all the same thing. One event is linked to the other.

The American people should be outraged that their "leader", Georgie Porgie Bush still has them in this thing. The current administration knows more about this than they are letting on and won't back down because what they don't want the world to know is the lives of 3000+ people are not at the root of this "war" it's based on money, oil, and a son trying to get revenge for his Daddy. It's an excuse. It's a shame that so many people had to die for a personal vendetta.

Maybe one day all the truths will come out. I believe there is much that will still be discovered, from the "non-plane" that hit the Pentagon, to what really happened to Flight 93.

I could go on but really this will just turn into some rant and that's not what it's about. To anyone that comes across this that may have been affected by the events of September 11th, 2001 it was a terrible tragedy and please don't take my comments as "I don't care". ... For now I'm out...

EDIT: I wish i had this earlier...Thanks to the Hetero-life mate for sending it. Now here's a guy I can agree with...Your Youtube video of the day.


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