Saturday, November 12, 2005

"Finally the Bastard posts"

Yes it has been awhile since I have posted but here I am I am not dead and no I haven't gone to the big Mr.Mister concert in the sky although wouldn't that be hell?... Oh well, It has been a hectic last couple of weeks from going down to see Jen on my days off to being on Holidays the last nine days(have to go back today..)It's been a whirlwind of travel it seems and has not been condusive to regular posts..Of course the small case of writers block didn't help either.
But I digress, where have I been you ask?...What you didn't? well to bad I'm going to tell ya anyway(even if it is uninteresting!!...hahaha) well It all started last Thursday when I was packed and ready to go on my yearly visit to the home office, located in Newcastle, Ont, to witness the official merger of two parties into one. It was, as always a very enjoyable trip (not long enough!)but my gratitude goes out to the staff at the homeoffice for the hospitality as always. One thing about the province of Ontario however, they really need to change their provincial slogan to "Helping control the squirrel population one road kill at a time", tree rats are everywhere out there!
I did travel by myself ,as Jen had to stay home for education purposes, which is always interesting because you get to people watch but I always find it funny as to what you might here in an International Airport like this time I'm leaving on the Monday morning and as I am sitting there they start paging"Mr.Hyman, please go to gate 137, Mr.Hyman...." made me laugh Mr.Hyman..hahaha.
But as I'm in the damn airport I realized something...It's not the drive through they fuck you in...It's the airport...They fuck you in the you ask? Well say you need batteries for instance for your discman, so you go into one of the friendly looking establishments and state your case and at first they seem really sympathetic to your plight..They ask you what kind, any certain brand..Angels really, then you decide what you want...Then the devil horns come out as they tell you the price for your small purchase...10.99(+taxes) for 4 "AA" batteries and suddenly you feel like you have just been kicked in the junk! But you need the batteries cause Mick Jagger is suddenly sounding like he's singing in "slowmow" and three octaves lower, and you know you have a crappy movie coming up and you need your discman to get you through the coming journey..and what happens if you are stuck beside a chatterbox on the plane?...Yes it was need this what do you do/..thats right you take it like a man and pony-up the taxes...and walk off with your batteries...but you do it grumbling!...
After I got home on the Monday I immediatly got in my care and drove the 2 1\2 hour drive to Victoria to spend some time with Jen as she was going on reading break. I got to Victoria about 445pm Pacific time and was tired I tell you, But we went and had some thing to eat and turned in early. Victoria is always fun but we were only there for like a day and a half then we both left Wed morning and been home since.
So to the 5 people that might read this...there you have it that is where i have been and been up to..although that would be the abridged version...And to the two of you that have been griping the most...saying I'm dead and such stop your complaining I'm back and I'm fuck you! ...but I mean that in the Nicest possible way!....hahahaha


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