Tuesday, January 03, 2006

But he's really good in this one movie...

If there is one thing I do enjoy about the holiday season it's the prospect of new DVDs and Cds for Christmas(or whatever other denominational religious holiday that you may celebrate...)ahh yes there is nothing better than coming home and realizing you have like 7 new dvds to open and watch...of course by the time you finally do get them open it's like 2 hours later and you have worked up an appetite because it took you for ever to get through the fucking security labels...But that's a rant for later...And this Christmas was very good in the DVD aspect of things.

First off, my darling girlfriend got me The Return of the King extended edition that I have neglected buying for the last year, this was followed the Hetero-life mate getting me the Passion of the Jew DVD, and my brother getting me Episode III(if I have to explain what I mean by Episode III...You can leave now, and don't let the blast doors hit you on the way out...) then the every year "The Boss" gives us a present,and this years was the best by far..A gift certificate to Futureshop..oh baby dvd central here I come..A free hundred bucks to spend.

So The Sidekick, Bishop and Jen and I made the trek and went down to our nearest branch of the retail giant as the Sidekick had Gift certificates too and Bish needed to exchange stuff and Jen...well she just didn't want to stay at home and thought she would join in the fun...although I'm sure she started to regret going to geek central with Three geeks but she held up well...(bear with me I am getting to the point of this post soon...This just isn't me recounting what I got, that would be shameless and materialistic...There is a point..Really..)

So I picked up 4 more DVD's..The Sin City special edition..Fantastic four(I know it sucked but what can I say I like the comic book movies...)..Full metal Jacket...And then I picked up Tombstone.

Now the reason I came to this movie is that I have always thought about picking it up..I don't like western a whole lot but this is a good movie roll please cause ladies and gentleman he has finally gotten to the point of this whole thing(yes that's right I write more backstory for one blog entry than Georgie Lucas does for three movies)..Val Kilmer is the shit as Doc Holliday...And I am not the biggest Val Kilmer fan..this is by far my favorite Val Kilmer role..some people may pick The Doors..Not me I like my Val kilmer on the verge of Death and drunk with a razor sharp wit...Now the Sidekick likes the Kilmer...in everything... me I can take him or leave him...but in this movie..great.. and it got me to thinking..What other actors do you hate or are not big fans of but will watch them in one certain movie because they are so good...It's like the planets aligned for that small period and they they just sucked it up afterward. Jennifer Lopez in Out Of Sight..Another fine example...Bad actress but great in that movie...I don't know...Who are yours....


At 12:55 AM , Blogger Lunchbox said...

Hmm. Not a huge fan of The Damon, but I'll give him props for, yes, the Bourne roles. I dunno, but he seems to do very well in them. And I liked the movies.

And, as we discussed, Kilmer also rocked in his Batman and semi-rocked in the Saint near-disaster. I'm glad that Dlae used what's also one of my favourite quotes in his recent post.

I also agree with the JLo nonsuckiness in Out of Sight; I think it's the only time she was even remotely watchable.

Tim Curry in the RHPS.

Christopher Lambert in the Highlander. Because, let's face it, he rather sucked in everything else.

Man, if I had a half-decent memory, I'm sure I could go on and on!


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