Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Random you say?....Oh this shit is definitely random....

I know it has been awhile since this little mind-spew space has been updated. Oh well that's what you get around here I guess, spotty spelling and not so frequent posts. Some of us can't be as prolific as the Hetero-life mate for Christ's sake. So this is going to be a random info/thought kinda thing...Don't like it tough...

Useless facts for today:

1. First of I would like to wish Kevin Smith(Silent Bob)a Happy birthday. Yes I just wished a celebrity who I will never or have ever talked to or met a happy birthday.To fuckin bad. Those familiar with these parts will know that I am a Kevin Smith whore...I even liked Jersey girl damn it...

2.25 years ago (yesterday) Mtv began broadcasting, much to the delight of the Buggles. They continued to change the music industry by helping launch the careers of Madonna, U2,Micheal Jackson, Duran Duran and a calvalcade of others 80's bands. Though they also gave us Carson Daly. I personally think that Mtv is no longer relevant and actually died years ago when they created the Real World and in essence stopped showing videos. Idiots.

3.After 9/11 the governments in the US and in Canada began censoring playlists at radio stations. Many Bands had songs taken off the radio. But only one had every single song they ever recorded banned from the radio waves. That band?..The mighty Rage Against The Machine.

4. The official reason from the Israeli military that the unarmed peacekeeping base that was attacked by rockets, killing a Canadian peacekeeper(and this is a quote found in the National Post, from the top general of the military).."It was deliberate..But accidental"...Huh?? Sounds like something the moron in the White House would say...

5. Winning formula for a Hollywood movie.."Pop culture conversations, stoners, ABC by the Jackson 5 and a donkey show"..Now go forth and make movies.

6.The music industry is trying to figure out how to get more people buying music right? People would say put out some good shit. This I can agree on..But I want to take it one step further and offer this suggestion..Somebody, anybody put a fucking end to these fucking reality shows that are supposed to "create" the next big thing. Now I know that American idol will never disappear..But come on lets get rid of shows like "Rockstar:Supernova" before they really take hold and we can't kill them either. Record Companies need to get back out in the clubs and find bands the old fashion way.

7. Wanna get through they city with out being asked for spare change. One word--headphones(Ipod would also be accepted).

8.What I am reading right now(I know you probably don't care).."Fear and Loathing in America:The Gonzo Letters 1968-1976 vol II" by Hunter.S.Thompson.

9.What is Playing while I type all this useless info shit out:The New Pearl Jam Album "Pearl Jam", you should go check it out.

10. And the last thing for today is...In honour of Kevin Smith's B-day I give you a a funny ass scene that makes me laugh every single time..this is your You Tube clip of the day..Click here
...don't suggest watching at work or anything...

That's it 10 random bits of info that you didn't have when you got go..I got shit to do...


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