Sunday, January 22, 2006

Black Monday is just around the corner...

The federal Election is tomorrow, a day that I have decided to call Black Monday. As of the last few days the Conservatives are still leading in the polls by about 10% and it looks like Mr. Harper(or George JR. If you will) will become the next Prime Minister of our country.....This as has been stated in the past...Scares the hell out of me.

Now a lot of people will argue that Canada needs a change, a shake up in Ottawa is just what we need. Look Canada has had enough change already this year and I still am having trouble with some of the new rules in the NHL, the kind of change that Mr.Harper represents is not what we need.

The views of this Conservative Party are not what Canada should be embracing, they will lead us down the path of turning into the States as led by Goergie Porgie and his gang of right-wing extreamists.

I don't like the fact that he will. No matter what anybody says will try and repeal things like same-sex marriage that I truly believe are a persons human rights, He wants to spend more money on the military, stupid, he will put us in Iraq because he wants to be like George Bush and be on his good side. Even Michael Moore thinks it would be crazy to vote Harper in...

Now I do agree that yes there is definitely something fishy in the liberal camp, and I don't think it's Belinda Stronach, but at least we know what we are getting with the Liberals, a party that has decreased our national debt and has had a surplus the last 3 years, this seems to me to be a good thing, it seems productive and like they are achieving some thing that a government should do...So one or two little scandals came up, at least even those scandals were National Unity based..Even when they were cheating the Liberals at least seemed like they were thinking about the countries well being, like "Yeah I robbed the bank but I did it so our family could stay together"..Or something like that.

Now I know one little persons opinion put out in cyber space won't change much..but if you should happen to come across this and red it before tommorrow..think about it..and..for the love of god vote, if nothing else if you are between the ages of 18 and 30..damn it vote....


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