Sunday, January 22, 2006

If I had my choice...

With the depth of fear that I have of Stephen Harper winning the election I have comprised a list of who I think would do a better job of running the country that here we go:

1.Optimus Prime- Come on he was a great leader,he was tough yet firm and fair with the Auto bots. And besides who would fuck with us if our county was led by a giant robot that could Transform into a one that's who.

2.Doctor Doom- yeah sure he tried to kill the Fantasic four all the time but you Know he did take care of those in his country and was an exalted leader...Who cares if it was false love created out of fear...

3.Han Solo-- You know he wouldn't take shit from know one...I could see the headlines now" Bush shoots
First, PM Solo fries him!"

4.Darth Vader--- You want shit done with the less arguing possible...Vader is your man..just ask Captain Needa

5.Darkseid--- Heres another guy who achieved his post through murder...His own mother know less, still seems better than Harper.

6. Hannibal Lecter-- Why not, he's well he's got that whole serial Killer thing...

7. A Trained Monkey--- really could it be an worse than Harper dancing to Bush's every whim.

8. Superman-- So what if he's all about Truth, Justice, and The American Way..We can change that, but his Deputy Prime Minister would have to be Batman...its a two for with these guys

9.Tony Soprano- He could squash any uprising in Quebec...Separation would not be an option

10.Captain Picard- Okay I am not the hugest Trek fan but come it's Captain Picard...A great mediator and a guy who's not afraid to do his own thing and fuck shit up if need be....

That's my list If I had my way..sure they are all fictional, except for the Monkey but I think it goes to show how much faith I have in Harper and besides ..Any one of them could be better than the alternative...


At 10:54 PM , Blogger Lunchbox said...


Get your Bible and your Rifle and let's get drafted for Iraq!


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