Two Weeks ain't that bad...

OK So two weeks is a little long between posts but hey, it's been longer before. So let's get a quick update out of the way. In the last two weeks I have worked way to hard as we have been doing a bunch of reno's at work and not really been playing enough poker. This may make me sound like a degenerate gambler but really, I would play 4 nights a week if possible. With the break in poker lately. and the fact that no casino's on the island have a poker room, I decided to try blackjack. The local "fauxsino"(the new bingo hall that has slot machines, thus making it not a Real casino)has this video blackjack machine that I was able to run my 20 dollar investment up to $73.86, a $53 dollar profit. Which I lost playing black jack in the real casino the next day. sick but oh well it was free money.
On the(losing) trip to the casino I decided to make myself feel better by going to the local Futureshop to wander the isles and bask in the presence of new cd's and DVD's and decided to pick up HEROES season 1 on dvd. I am a huge fan of the "tv on dvd" idea adn have been itching to see this show. I am late to the HEROES bandwagon and have managed to not know anything about it except for the tag line"Save the Cheerleader,save the World". I am half way through the season and must say this show kicks ass, every episode has you on edge, it's so well paced and always leaves you wanting more. So very good! I have also seen or bought the following movies:
2.Raging Bull
3.Confessions of a dangerous mind
4.Micheal Clayton
5. Spider-Man 3
So there is my life the last 2 weeks in a nutshell. Work, Movies, Cards,Work. I really need to find a way to get paid to watch movies all day...
P.S. I know this posts sucks but at least I got something down. I feel better about that damn it.
Today's Playlist
1. Only Answer- Mike Doughty
2. Who Cares what the question is?- The Bees
3. Eh Hee- Dave Matthews And Tim Reynolds
4. #41- Dave Matthews Band
5. Creep- Stone Temple Pilots
6. Testify- Rage Against The Machine
7. The Pretender- Foo Fighters
8. (Nothing) But Flowers- Talking Heads(the video for which is below)
9. Jack- Tom Petty
10.And It Stoned me- Van Morrison