Monday, November 28, 2005

Oh boy... here we go....

So...The axe came down today on Prime Minister Paul Martin's minority government. The Offical Oppostion did what they said they would do and forced a non-confidence vote against the Liberals. Now not only do we as Canadians have to worry about buying that perfect gift, that "Damn it if I go to that office Christmas party I'm going to miss the hockey game", damn this Tim Horton's drive-thru takes for ever but now we also have to worry about a damn holiday election.

Now we can't complain to loudly I guess, we new it was going to come eventually, but wouldn't it be nice to at least get through the holidays before listening to the mud slinging that we KNOW this election is going to have. Harper will say something about organized crime again, Layton will struggle to say anything with out a soap box to stand on and Martin..Well it will be more of the same."we cut taxes, we support Medicare..blah..blah..blah. I don't mean to sound like our political system is predictable but when you know what's coming...Well it can get a little tiresome.

But to the task at hand...Were is this election going to go? Now I for one do not really subscribe myself to one party, I am not a registered Liberal or some thing, I like to think I listen to both sides and make an informed opinion an decision. But I am willing to bet a Stompin Tom Connors album, a Extra large coffee from Tim Horton's and a crispy crunch bar that the Liberals will stay in power, even with the sponsorship scandal in their closet, Paul Martin at this point seems the lesser of the evils.

I personally Do Not Like Steven Harper he scares me in that he will run this country based on his, in my opinion, far right thinking and reglious beliefs . That is scary. I also don't think that he has what it takes to stand up to countries like the U.S. and make a stand he does come across as bit of a wimp. Layton is just a small man looking for power and don't really trust him farther than I can throw him. He seems to me to be a guy who will do what is right for him in the long run,he will flip==flop on his decisions and that does not bode well for this country.

That leaves Martin, who for all that is said about him, which is probably true, Will stand up against the powers that be down south, he and his government was a little more free thinking than the others with his stand on gay marriage, which though not gay I can applaud him for. This is the kind of things that the leader of this country needs to do to make Canada, as a country, a leader in the world and not another U.S. clone or patsy. Not be afraid to rattle some cages and for the love of god doesn't make his decisions based on his religious beliefs like Harper and that Chucklehead down South...That and Bono doesn't like him so that's gotta account for something good in my book. Now I know this might sound like I am a card carrying member of the Liberal party but this is not true. I just like a little more ;left thinking. But all in all it should be interesting..aslong as the debates don't interrupt hockey..

Monday, November 14, 2005

It says something when you got the lowest marks EVER RECORDED

Do you think George will finally take the hint? Here is a President who, in my opinion really thinks he is doing a good job, but is really just ignoring the facts and is having delusions of granduer about himself. This guy really is just dumb. In the States this week it has been reported that Dubya's approval rating among the American people is at an all time low...But not just an all time low but the lowest ever recorded. Here is a country, that I will admit is probably the most powerful country in the world, being run by a complete idiot and who's people don't even like him. And Paul Martin thought he had problems at least he would probably still be in charge after an election here. When looking at Bush's problems in the U.S. it's clearly evident that Bush is in trouble, he's got advisor's that are under indictment, C.I.A leaks, people in the government being charged with money laundering, He has his country in a war that they should not be in, he can't get his friend a job(like Supreme Court Seats are something you can just promise),he reacts slower to a natural disaster than a fat kid to a salad and to top it all off he just can't get past the second chapter of "See Spot Run". I was watching this guy on TV last week when he was in South America heaping praise on the Brazilian was just funny to watch..he seems so uncomfortable talking in front of a crowd.
But all this talk of approval rating got me to thinking. Why would Bush care? Here's a guy that unless you get impeached you are comfortably in your job for the next three years. Why would a second term president really care what the people think?. Now Bush could be a different case because I truly believe that he has accomplished what he set out to do. He revenged his daddy's defeat at the hands of the "terrible Iraq", lied to get the chance, and is now stuck in war he can't get out of. He doesn't possess the skills to be any other kind of president but a "War Time" President, he just isn't a talker like Ronald Regan and of course the first black.... President Bill Clinton. Watching the news every day and seeing what this guy has done to his country makes me even more glad to be Canadian. I'll take a sponsorship scandal over that mess anyday.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

A Canadian and Rock Icon...

I had another post to go up here recounting where I have been lately and to explain the lack of posts lately...But there is something a little more important to talk about..Today November 12 is the birthday of the great Canadian music icon who helped shape the landscape of the sixties singer-song write...The great Neil Young. Now there are some people in this world who don't like Neil...Well this is not the post for you. When you talk about Canadians who have made a difference in a given field then one would be remiss not to mention Neil. Neil Young's music is music that really can tell a story his lyrics paint a picture that you can't help but see in your mind. There are two very distinct Neil Young's, there is the gentle, singer song writer behind such classic albums as "Harvest" and "After the Gold rush" but there is also the Neil that plays with his favorite backing band... Crazy Horse. With the "Horse" have Neil"s emotion filled lyrics with the raw energy of a rock band...this combo is responsible for classic albums like "Ragged Glory".."Live rust" and the great"Tonight's the night".
I have been a Neil fan for a long time it's a constant in my musical world for a long time. Most of my friends don't get it...(dale!)but he just drags you in...He is one of those unique kind of artist that you will never see again and somene who helped shape the musical landscape of the 60's and 70's with his solo albums as well as those with Crazyhorse, but also with the two major "Supergroups" that he has belonged to over the years,The Buffalo Springfield and of course Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young...I really could go on and on on the topic but realize this would turn into a very long post. But as I got into the Neil Young Catalogue I would read anything I could find on the guy and, besides making amazing music the life he has lead and the way he chooses to live it made me respect him for that as well. Go read "Shakey- the Biography of Neil Young" and a great companion piece would be "Neil and Me-by Scott young his dad. It deserves the read by any music fan....So to you Neil I raise a glass in honor of your Birthday!!!May you continue to make the music you do and to continue to tell people to fuck off and do things your way
....I will leave you with this a top ten list of Neil young songs to check out:
1. Needle and the Damage done
2. Old man
3. Out on the weekend
4. Mr.Soul(from the unplugged album)
5. Unknown Legend
6. Fuckin Up
7. Cortez the Killer
8. Cowgirl in the sand
9. Don't let it bring you down

Saturday, November 12, 2005

"Finally the Bastard posts"

Yes it has been awhile since I have posted but here I am I am not dead and no I haven't gone to the big Mr.Mister concert in the sky although wouldn't that be hell?... Oh well, It has been a hectic last couple of weeks from going down to see Jen on my days off to being on Holidays the last nine days(have to go back today..)It's been a whirlwind of travel it seems and has not been condusive to regular posts..Of course the small case of writers block didn't help either.
But I digress, where have I been you ask?...What you didn't? well to bad I'm going to tell ya anyway(even if it is uninteresting!!...hahaha) well It all started last Thursday when I was packed and ready to go on my yearly visit to the home office, located in Newcastle, Ont, to witness the official merger of two parties into one. It was, as always a very enjoyable trip (not long enough!)but my gratitude goes out to the staff at the homeoffice for the hospitality as always. One thing about the province of Ontario however, they really need to change their provincial slogan to "Helping control the squirrel population one road kill at a time", tree rats are everywhere out there!
I did travel by myself ,as Jen had to stay home for education purposes, which is always interesting because you get to people watch but I always find it funny as to what you might here in an International Airport like this time I'm leaving on the Monday morning and as I am sitting there they start paging"Mr.Hyman, please go to gate 137, Mr.Hyman...." made me laugh Mr.Hyman..hahaha.
But as I'm in the damn airport I realized something...It's not the drive through they fuck you in...It's the airport...They fuck you in the you ask? Well say you need batteries for instance for your discman, so you go into one of the friendly looking establishments and state your case and at first they seem really sympathetic to your plight..They ask you what kind, any certain brand..Angels really, then you decide what you want...Then the devil horns come out as they tell you the price for your small purchase...10.99(+taxes) for 4 "AA" batteries and suddenly you feel like you have just been kicked in the junk! But you need the batteries cause Mick Jagger is suddenly sounding like he's singing in "slowmow" and three octaves lower, and you know you have a crappy movie coming up and you need your discman to get you through the coming journey..and what happens if you are stuck beside a chatterbox on the plane?...Yes it was need this what do you do/..thats right you take it like a man and pony-up the taxes...and walk off with your batteries...but you do it grumbling!...
After I got home on the Monday I immediatly got in my care and drove the 2 1\2 hour drive to Victoria to spend some time with Jen as she was going on reading break. I got to Victoria about 445pm Pacific time and was tired I tell you, But we went and had some thing to eat and turned in early. Victoria is always fun but we were only there for like a day and a half then we both left Wed morning and been home since.
So to the 5 people that might read this...there you have it that is where i have been and been up to..although that would be the abridged version...And to the two of you that have been griping the most...saying I'm dead and such stop your complaining I'm back and I'm fuck you! ...but I mean that in the Nicest possible way!....hahahaha