Friday, January 02, 2009

Even I was begining to forget what this place looks like...

First of let me wish all a belated but still Merry Christmas and a ever Happy New year. It's been awhile since we have been together here on this little space of cyber paper so i hope you are all well...all 5 of

Anyway ,It's a weird thing living away from home for a long period of time. You don't have your own stuff(thus the severe lack of blog posting time), your living in a place that's not yours and your always around people. Thankfully I have gotten over my "phobia" of going to the movies by myself, so at least I have seen some movies and a Futureshop and Best Buy are just up the street, But still, when I first started this little escapade called a "new career path" back in October I was planning to be back at home in my own place and my own town by January but that is no longer the plan.

But like I said not my computer so I have to keep this short, but keep checking back I will try and get some more posts up. In the meantime however I will leave you with this fun game.

When looking for a good laugh go find a Vancouver Canucks fan and engage them in conversation. Ask them what there favorite moment in canuck history is. They will get excited but let them weave their yarn of Pavel Bure scoring goals, or some wistful story of Trevor Linden's heroics. An when they are done and they ask you what your favorite moment in Canuck history is. Tell them it was watching Trevor Linden having to watch mark Messier skate around with the Stanley Cup in 95. Makes them cry every time.