A Shot in the Dark..
As you may have noticed I haven't had much time to type my little diatribes around here, haven't really had time for much it seems.
But as I sit here at 130 am with just my recently downloaded copy of Phish's Reunion show from the beginning of march to keep me company, I seem to have all the time in the world to jot down a little something. Maybe make the non-business phone calls I have been meaning to make, but let's be honest it is 130 AM and who the hell can I call right now that wouldn't disown me as a friend. Even the Homeoffice is asleep. and there's a time difference there!
yup all the time in the world....and I can't think of one thing to type...had a whole list earlier...oh well fuck this..I'm going to bed...Maybe I should apply for blogging lessons form the Hetero-life mate...
But I will leave you with this...A little new Dave Matthews Band...New Album June 2nd. And do yourself a favour go get the NEw Tragically Hip album....thats it I am out...