Well..Currently I am...

"So what are you up to?"..A question we have all been asked, have asked and will continue to ask those who cross our paths that we haven't seen in days , weeks, months or years. It's the catch all question that can generally get all the information that we are looking for from those little ,almost mandatory ,idle chatter conversations that result from not having any contact with those people in awhile. I think at my ten year reunion I asked it like 50 times.
So cyber space, and to those that read this here it is...The first "I am currently.." list.
1. Reading three books."Poker for Dummies","The Davinci Code" and "On the Road" byJack Kerouac. The poker book because I like poker. The DaVinci Code because I am down with anything that fucks with Catholics. And On the Road cause Jen said I would like it and she is trying to get me to read more fiction.
2. Listening to the following CDs in heavy rotation
a.)Sam Roberts- Chemical City
b.)WolfMother c.)Red Hot Chili Peppers- Stadium Arcadium
d.)The Raconteurs- Broken Boy Soldier
3. Digesting the slight derailment that was X-men 3:The Last Stand
4. also digesting The Davinci Code movie...now here is a set of theroies that I can buy into...and as stated above I like anything that throws Catholics into a tizzy..
5.Looking forward to this movie and also this movie
6.Looking for a way I can take out this guy
7.Wondering of there is in fact a diet Coke in the fridge right now...
8.Wondering how this guy still has a job..
9.Wondering how this Guy could get elected for the job..
10.)Wondering if I am ever going to be able to get to sleep tonight....