Yeah...But have you seen it stoned???

As I have stated in these here parts of cyber space before I have no problems what so ever with "The Weed". I have at times in my life smoked, what some would consider, a lot of weed but no so much anymore. I am a firm believer that it is not a gateway drug, it should be legalized and if you gave it to leaders in the Middle-East all problems would be solved. These days I can probably count on one hand how many times I have smoked "The Pot" in the last 2 years, but when I did I was a planner damn it. I didn't like going anywhere,so I made sure I had all I needed in the way of food and drink before hand. I was all about the movies and video games while you were waiting for the inevitable burn out and good sleep.
That is what brings me to today's topic. I recently (finally!) got a copy of "Fear and loathing in Las Vegas" starring Johnny Depp and Benicio Del Toro, and it got me to thinking about my Top 5 movies to watch when stoned...So here it is...In no particular order...
1. Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas- You can not go wrong with this movie. It perfectly captures the essence and spirit of the original novel by Hunter S. Thompson. From Bats in the desert, to an orgy of Giant Lizards in a hotel lounge. Even if you are not stoned when watching it, you might thinks you are. Yes there is truly NOTHING more depraved and irresponsible than a man in the depths of an either binge..
2. Pink Floyd's The Wall- I had first heard about this in High School but never experienced it till after I graduated. The basis for the movie and album is the concept that it is about a man's spiral into insanity...Yup I can see that...
3. Brazil- Directed by the same guy as Fear and Loathing, Terry Gilliam, this movie is weird anyway you look at it...But do look at it. It is really George Orwell's "1984" on steroids...
4. Being John Malkovich- A Cusack classic. This movie is good anyway you see it. If you want the whole experience watch Adaptaion after it
5. Trainspotting- Any movie that involves Ewan McGregor crawling into a shit filled toilet and a baby crawling on a ceiling and who's head turns Linda Blair style has to be on a list like this....
I know people won't agree with this list but too bad...there's my list. Go forth now...