a stream of thoughts
a space to spew thoughts, share events and experiences.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Like Every other Bastard latley....
Like every other bastard around lately,I am going to tell you the same thing. It is FUCKING hot. So hot that I really do not find any comfort in sitting in front of the computer with a fan on, I am still sweating. So the long post that I was going to write tonight is going out the freakin window. So in the mean time, watch the video below to find out why my good friend, The Social Direstor for The McQuarrie Brothers Indian Casino and Resort(still not much of a resort...and still 100% indian free) can not order a tossed salad in a restuarant for like the last 3 years...
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Just A Taste..

I have spent many years tring to defend my love of the Hip. I always say if you could just see them live it would change your opinion.So far i am 1.5 for 2 on that theory. But I found this today. It's a clip of Gord doing his thing back in 1995 or 1996. It them doing "New Orleans is sinking" but Gord has does this thing where he intertwines songs or starts telling stories in the middle of songs. This clip shows that, when he introduses a very Early version of "Ahead by a centry"..I thought it was cool...
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
A little catch up time is needed...
First off is "The Picture of the day"..I took it a little while ago and liked how it turned out..
Second of all: GO SEE TRANSFORMERS..this movie rocked. Switch off all parts of your mind and just be entertained for 2 1\2 hours. This movie must be seen in a theater. Side story: We get out of the movie last night. A 2 1/2 hour extravaganza of Giant Robots, Explosions, and overall summer movie goodness..and the first thing me and the Hetero-life mate say to each other?..damn that Girl was Hot..
So..it has been a little hectic around my little corner of the real world lately, alot of work and even more poker playing it seems. But we have talked about my poker playing before and doesn't need to be brought up again. However this what seems like never ending work schedule and eventual decompression from the days events at the poker table, both real and virtual, has taken away from one thing...I am seriously backlogged in dvds that have been purchased and still need to be watched.
It seems that I have, of late, given in to this urge that I get "To Fill Out The Collection", it usually happens when there are no new cd's or dvd's to buy, and anybody who does such things regularly knows that there has been a serious lack in anything cool coming out. So I have set aside today..even though it is a beautiful day here on the coast of Canada that I will catch up on some movie watching. I figure I have been outside already today so I can't feel that bad about watching a movie right?..and besides the hetero-life mate can't golf. So I am off to drink Crystal Light and eat Peanut M&M's and waste the next 2-3 hours damn it...
Oh in case you are wondering the following Dvds and Cd's have been purchased in the last 3-4 weeks. I love sales damn it..
1. The Godfather Trilogy
2. The Soprano's Season 3(I know i am behind damn it..)
3. Ghost Rider
4. The Bourne Identity
5. The Borne Supremacy
6. Smokin Ace's
7. Rescue Me Season 1
8. Casino
9. Apocalypse Now he complete dossier version
10.Thank You for smoking
11.Walk The Line
13. Donnie Brasco
14.Black Snake Moan
15.White Stripes-Icky Thump- BUY THIS ALBUM The Stripes will save music I swear..
16.Van Morrison- Moondance
17.The Who-Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy
18.The Specials-Greatest Hits
19.Bob Dylan- Blonde On Blonde
20.Dylan And The Dead.
21.The Black Crowes-Greatest Hits 1989-1999
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
"Autobots Transform, and roll Out!!"

Tonight is the night. The night that all guys who grew up in the 80's and watched cartoons has been waiting for. Tonight is the night we can finally see "Transformers". 2 1\2 hours of giant fucking robots kicking the shit out of one another, it should be awesome.
There have been alot of movie this summer that I was looking forward to, the most of which was Spider-man 3, but that left me unfulfilled and kinda wanting more..but not in that good way. Ocean's 13, kinda cool. better that Ocean's 12 but yet still something was missing. I have yet to see that Pirate movie but I will...eventually. Then there was Fantastic Four:Rise if the Silver Surfer, which I went into with no expectations and was entertained. Will it win any awards...nope, but it made me want a Silver Surfer movie. And that brings us to where we are today, waiting to see giant Fucking robots.
Any readers of the hetero-lifemates blog will Know of my love of the Transformers. What Can I say I am a child of the 80's, a time when you would rush home to see the latest adventures of Optimus Prime and his Autobots against Megatron and his evil Decepticons. I am however going in with few expectaions. I am sure that at points I will feel like my childhood has been raped by Micheal Bay, but as long as Optimus Prime IS Optimus Prime, and they have the transforming sound effects and just once you here the Famous "Autobots, Transform and roll Out!"...Micheal Bay may live.....
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Ahh yes, Canada Day...

So here it is again time to refelct on the country that we call home, or as I like to call it "The Day we can all breath a sigh of relief that we don't live in the states."
All joking aside I do think that those of us that live in Canada have it pretty Damn good, and i really won't want to trade it for much of anything. Ok except maybe for that lakeside villa in the Italian country side.... So my Fellow Canadians be proud be proud of your country, stand up and shout that "Yes damn it I am Canadain, I live in a country that makes great beer and that nobody really wants to bomb!"..it's good to be Canadain damn it....
a Canada Day Playlist
1. Keep On Rockin In the free World- Neil Young and Crazy Horse
2. Ophelia- The Band
3. At The Hundredth Meridian - The Tragically Hip
4. Where have all the Good People gone- Sam Roberts
5. The Scene- Big Sugar
6. Tired Of Waiting- The Trews
7. Fly Paper- K-OS
8. Wake Up- Arcade Fire
9. The Old Apartment- Barenaked Ladies
10.5 days In May- Blue Rodeo
11.Cowgirl in the sand- Neil Young and Crazy Horse
12.Grace,Too- The Tagically Hip
13.Brian Wilson- Barenaked Ladies
14.Record Body Count- The Rheostatics
A Classic yes...