Monday, December 17, 2007

Should be better than the first

So the other day i posted some posters for the new Batman I give you the kick ass trailer to go with the kick ass posters...

Friday, December 14, 2007

Just A Taste...

If there has been one sequel that I have been looking forward to it's the sequel to Chirstopher Nolan's "Batman Begins", titled "The Dark Knight". Nolan did a great job with the Batman franchise with his first foray into the realm of "comic book movies" by giving us a Batman movie we geeks have been waiting for. I just rewatched it the other day and it is so good that if you haven't seen it go watch it now. They just realeased the international poster today and if the movie is half as good as the poster then there should be no worries. I might even go see the new Will Smith movie just to see the trailer...good thing I got some free movie passes from the local theater cause there is no way I would actually pay for a Will Smith Movie.

Enjoy your video of Good Music of the day...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Everyone likes new toys for Christmas

Ok, I know Christmas is close but I couldn't resist a good deal. Finall got me a new T.V. The 42 inch Samsung plasma HDTV. Love it. that's it for now..have some movies to watch...

Friday, December 07, 2007

well now...that looks a little different...

The Trend is continuing. the latest TV to movie translation is coming soon. Directed by the guys who brought you the Matrix, they are now bringing you "Speed Racer". It looks very funky and I figure even if the movie will at least be some eye candy. Check it out below. I have included what the cartoon looked like in the 60's and the trailer for the live action movie...trippy..

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

A daily dose of good music..

Here you go...some good music to brighten your day...

have a good day....

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Fuck this shit......

As I have grown older I have learned to hate this shit. I don't ski or snowboard and I am not the biggest fan of wet clothes(especially jeans) and I hate driving with a jacket on. Snow just fucks up my universe damn it. Wish i could just stay home and watch movies all day...Need some thing to cheer me up..oh this will do....