A friend indeed..

I must say that I have had the hardest time lately stringing anymore than two sentences together to form anykind of cohesive and intelligent thought. Writer's block of the worst level. But I did come across something in the last week that I found kinda interesting, and as gay as it sounds it has to do with friendship.
We all have friends, and as I have stated before we all have different types of friends, but this is about those friends that you would do anything for and they would do anything for you. It might be someone you see and talk to everyday or it might even be someone that you see only once a year because they live across the country. True friendship really doesn't know many bounds in my opinion. But I came across this story about what I saw as a true rest of your life friendship. Yes it comes from a famous person but I thought it was very interesting reading......God this sounds gay...But oh well I wanted to have it out there for others to read..I promise next time this will have a less "Afterschool, feel good message"..And back to the regular dick and Fart joke mentality...Click the link if you wanna know what I'm talking about..
SilentBob Speaks