After all this time we still don't know what a "Bothan" is...
May 25th, 1977..A date that doesn't really stand out in history that much. No one really important died or was born that day. The Number one song in America was "Sir Duke " by Stevie Wonder and The Eagles were still selling massive amounts of their "Hotel California"album, and my Mother was probably cursing her then new born child who was just about three week old and wasn't letting her get much sleep.
Yup a pretty bland day..except for the fact ,that a small movie that you may have heard of opened that day. A movie that has gone on to shape the world of movie making, Box Office records, Defined the realm of science-Fiction/Fantasy, become a pop-culture phenomenon, and most importantly become a movie that many of us look at as our favorite and single out as THE movie that started our love affair with movies. No movie has changed the landscape of the world and made more of an impact than this movie. 30 years ago today the words"The Force", "Wookie","Millennium Falcon" and "lightsaber" stampeded their way into the vernacular if a new generation of movie goer....I am of course talking about "Star Wars".
I can't remeber the first time I saw Star Wars, but I do remeber that I made my parents rent it over and over again, I remeber that first opening shot of the masive Star Destroyer coming out of no-where, and the entrance of the Darth Vader and the excitement and awe that brought. This was new and something special. It wasn't until Jedi came out that I actaully got to see a Sat Wars movie in a theater. I had the toys, read the books, never did a 2 hour peice of film catch the attention of a young kid. I couldn't get enough. I even remeber my Dad waking me up one night to come watch a special on how Star wars was made, and thinking it was the coolest thing ever.To this day I have a deep fondness for the movies,(even after sitting through "Phantom Menace") and is still a source of converstaion with the Hetro-life mate(You Know..Lando was a metaphor for cotton-picking..makes sense when your drinking.) still have marathon viewings and still think Han shot first.
So Han, Leia,Luke,Artoo,Threepio and Chewie...Happy Birthday and thanks for the memeories...