Summer is offically over..

People look at the end of summer as a bad thing. Sure it means back the end of lazy days at the beach or on vacation. The number of available golf days dwindles( but this should also mean more poker played) and B.B.Q is something you do from your back door, no longer out on the deck. But the end can also mean good things. Like what you ask? well in case you didn't realize, and all good Canadians should...but HOCKEY IS BACK!! Oh how i have missed the game that we Canadians call our own. My beloved Montreal Canadians are looking good. A little better than last year, but are in a tough division with Ottawa and a revamped Leaf squad. So as I prepare for the season opener I put out this prediction so when playoff times comes around it is documented that I said it damn it.
1. The Habs will make the playoffs, they will finish 6th or 7th and will make the second round. The Leafs(for the record.. I fucking hate the Leafs) will finish 5th and won't make it past the first round.I can't believe I just predicted the Leafs will finish ahead of the Habs ..only because of Jason Blake And Vesa Tosykala.
2. For my Fellow West Coasters..Your Canucks will make the playoffs riding on the back of Roberto Luongo but will fizzle out in the second round.
3. For the hetero-life mate and you misguided love of the Colorado Avalanche...they still suck, but will make the playoffs in 8th only because Joe Sakic will feel revived with the addition of Ryan Smyth and with some promising rookies they should finish in one of the bottom 3 spots.
There is lets get the puck dropped and get this season started....oh thank god Hockey is back....