Who's celebrating??

I was in the grocery store today and I saw a magazine "celebrating" Ten years of "The Phantom Menace" I thought to myself "Really? it's been that long?" and what magazine would celebrate that piece of shit" turned out to be "Star Wars insider" so they might be a little biased.
Yup it's been ten llllooonnnggg years since we first heared of Jar Jar Binks, midilcloriens, pod racing and learned that whining voices were a family trait in the Skywalker family.
I remember being so excited for the prequels, being a huge Star Wars fan this is what we had all been waiting for. The story of the rise of the Empire, a glimpse into the legendary Clone wars and most importantly the birth of the "Blackest brother in the galaxy". what we got was, in looking back now mind you. was the WORST movie of the Star Wars family. I wonder if people that work for Lucasfilm even acknowledge this movie? or just speak of it in hushed tones quickly changing the subject when George walks by.
Sure it had it's high points, Pod racing, Darth Maul, and the great Ewan McGregor channleing Sir Alec Guiness. But those do not out weight having the whole idea of the force turned on it's head by the introduction of midicloriens, The Jesus/messiah factor of young Anakins birth, the fact that he flys a starfighter and takes out a space station...at 8 years old, horrible/cheesy dialogue, Jar Jar fucking Binks and ..YIPPEE!
Celebrate not my friends...this was the beginning of the end, Revenge of the Sith started making up for the past transgressions of the series but it was to little too late..especially with "NNNOOOOOOO!!" and Dying of a broken heart but thats another story.
fucking YIPPEE!....