Thursday, October 27, 2005

Movies from the past...

So a few days ago the Sidekick put up a post about movies from childhood and how they got us excited and how we still remember them today with fondness and the fact that some them just don't hold up. So this got me to thinking about a list for myself. I will stick to his rule or omission that Star Wars doesn't this is Star Wars we're talking about and for our generation this truley is the holy triliogy also I wanted to think of movies that not everyone my age would think of . So I began to look back throught he mists of my memory to those nights that used to be so cool when you were a kid. The nights when Mom said it was home made pizzas for dinner and made pop corn and the nights when I watched about 50% of the movies that I remeber from that time...yes thats right the family movies nights. I was lucky in that my Dad liked cool movies...his criteria was always the same...get something with blood, guts, explosions and here we go.

1.)Indiana Jones movies-- The second of the influential triliogies. but i would have to go with Raiders of the lost Ark as being the movie that sticks most in my mind.And it still holds up...

2.)The Black Hole---I remeber that this movie scared the hell out of me as a kid. The big red robot Maximillian this wasn't the usual Disney fare.

3.)E.T.-- Now alot of people would pick this movie and i have seen it alot, but not really in the last ten years or so. But I do remeber that this was the first movie I shed a tear about...No not when E.T. is at the bottom of the river, but actaully outside the theater when my Mom said we couln't go becasue it was sold out...give me a break I was 5.

4.)The Dark Crystal--I remeber this movie as being the first muppet movie that didn't have Kermit. A good movie.

5.)Rambo first blood---Part 1 and 2-- senseless violence thats all just Fun movies.Mindless fluff

6.)Superman--- Come on its fricken Superman for Christ's sake. This movie captured the imagination of any young kid.

7.)Ferris Bueller's day Off---- By the time this movie came out I was a little bit older to appreciate it. Still funny...kind of a gulity pleasure in some peoples eyes I'm sure....

8.)Wargames-- This movie was just fun to me...I remeber watching this movie many times...

9.)Back to the Future---Come on Mcfly..who didn't like this movie...a cool car...time travel...A Heuy Lewis and the News soundtrack..and Christopher Lloyd...and a hot Lea Thompson as the Mom...

10.)Robocop---Who could forget Robocop...I remeber that as an 10 year old this movie was the coolest thing ever. I just rewatched the trilogy and this movie still holds up as entertaining.

Well thats the first ten I could think of I'm sure i could think of more but Ill leavee you with this list. Feel free to leave your lists or even just your favorite from when you were a kid...

Why can't you just admit when your wrong....

First off, let me just say this...never turn your heat on then leave your apartment for 10 hours...I am sweating worse than George Dubya when asked to explain his foreign policies and all he can say is "Bombs"....but the mention of the presidential Jackass does lead me into the topic of the day. This post was going to be fun and light hearted but then I read the paper Yesterday.

So Condaleeza Rice was in Ottawa this past week (for like 22 hours)where she met with different Ministers and the like.She was of course asked about the soft wood lumber issue, am issue that we as a country find important as it is a major bone of contention right now between us and the U.S. for those who don't understand the issue or know much about the Soft Wood Lumber Dispute check it out here.

So in her visit Condaleeza said that Canada needs to "stop talking in apocalyptic language" about this issue and that it will be resolved and that it just needs more negotiations......Hey Ms.Rice...yeah you, Condi...incase you haven't realized ..There ..NOTHING ..negotiate. Canada has been cleared of any "unfair" subsidizing of the forest industry, by the Free Trade association panel and the World trade Organization..Your country has been told to lift tariffs andpay back the 5 billion. Just because you don't agree with the decision doesn't mean that just because you are the "United States of America"(insert maniacal, egotisc, evil genius laugh here)doesn't mean you can just ignore it. Now I know you guys have other things on the go...Like the whole Tom Delay thing(maybe he's got the 5 billion)and I'm sure the Dubya is a little busy with playing with the toys in the sand box..looking of W.M.D's and the like but if you could maybe call him in from recess and get his tutors to go over the details with him maybe them he would see the light....on second thought that won't work either. So whats the answer Condi? I'm not sure....but the U.S. needs to wake up and play by the rules..this isn't about money its about a broken trust and failure to keep up a much as your guys like to think of your self as the rulers of the are not need help just like every other need us...and our lumber and our by the one likes a cheater....tell me...when you play games..if your losing do you flip the board over or turn of the power to the it not like you actually lost and "have to play again"? just casue it didn't go your way?.....

Monday, October 17, 2005

ok so its been over a week.....

Ok...ok...ok...I the regular 3 readers of this little corner of cyberspace have been letting me know its been awhile since there has been some knew drivel to read so I thought I would tell you why.

Latley it would seem that i have been living out of a suitcase.Not that this is a bad thing in any way shape or form. I have been spending all my days off in Victoria with Jen.So I thought I would share some highlights of the last couple of visits.

1. My wonderful girlfriend picked me up some movie posters(that still need framing) from a travelling poster sale at her university. I am now the proud owner of A Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and the piece de resistance , Mallrats movie posters.

2. Picked up a copy of the new 10th anniversary edition of Mallrats. Now its good but after the great job they did with the "Clerks X" edition the Mallrats was a little bit of a let down but still worth picking up.The major draw back is its one of them doulbe sided dvds. No picture graphics on the disc just the disc its self, I am not a big fan of these but oh well.

3. We went and checked out that Nic Cage movie 'Lord of War", I suggest seeing this movie if you havent already done so, it was good and interesting and slighty thought provoking with out being preachy.

4.4 bottles of good red wine, shared with amazing company

5. Jen had to see this play called "The accidental death of an anarchist" by Dariin Fo for one of her classes, that was being put on by the drama department at the university.( I wont give you plot details cause well I dont want to and besides thats what google is for) So we decided to make an evening of it and got kinda dressed up and went to have dinner at our favorite restaurant Pagliacci's, But we get there and its closed.....for Yom Kuppur...thats right an Italian restaurant closed for a Jewish Holiday....made me we went to the keg(my first time ever) had a nice dinner, got wine spilled on me, laughed about it...really i did..and went to the play. Very good, very funny. scope it out if your into that kinda thing.
6. and at the complete opposite end of the creative spectrum we checked out that new Ryan Renolds movie "Waiting", low brow humour but made me laugh out loud in a theatre. So worth a cheap night kinda thing.
7. Jen's friend danielle is going to move to germany next week. Why is this important, well, Danielle is a music fan and took to collecting records and actually built a nice collection. I spent 2 hours at a party one night going through it. But it has come time for her to move and alas she can't take it all with her so. I have been given origianl, not reissues, of hree Velvet Underground albums to add to my collction. The velvet underground and Nico, White light\white heat and the amazing Loaded album. Loaded is an album i have only recently discovered in the last year but I urge all to check it very good and my favorite album by the Velvet underground.
Now im getting ready to go back in a week, but this time I actually have a shopping agenda...have to buy clothes for the wedding...what wedding you ask?...this is another story but I do leave for the yearly visit to the homeoffice in a couple of weeks. Excited to see the staff and I do so enjoy my vists there.
I leave you with that...not overly exciting I know...but hey I never lived in Port Alberni, so I guess I don't really know what excitment is. At least thats what I have been led to belive.......HAHAHAHAHA....

Friday, October 07, 2005

Good God!..what ever happened to just wanting to get drunk

So here I am flippin' channels this morning and I cane across that show "The View", with that pretentious bitch Star Jones. Now I only caught the tale end of the discussion but it went something like this. They were discussing the topic of teen drinking and getting drunk. Now the latest crack diet success story(Jones) was going off about how if a kid wants to get drunk or goes out and gets loaded that it is an emotional problem causing that decision, that kids(16-18) can't handle the emotion decision to drink. Now hold the fuck on..are you telling me that it is an emotional problem that causes you to want to get drunk! The young girl on the show, that chick from Survivor, said that it wasn't to long ago that she was in college and sometimes its just the fact its Thursday...Lets go have some drinks...I would have to agree why is it when there is something we don't agree with, especially when it has to do with aclohol(and drugs)we blame it on "emotional problems" or "bad parenting" or someother bullshit excuse that takes the reponsibility away from those who are in fact doing it. I first got drunk at the age of I blame my feel like it was an emotional decision...fuck no..I JUST WANTED TO!!! Kids are always going to want to do that which they shouldn't. Its part of growing up for christ's sake. Fuck Star Jones I tell you, fuck right in her fucking ear...we always have to blame something....Kids get drunk..they have emotional shoot up a school...blame the music that just happened to be in their cd get pregnant...blame the media for selling sex...Fuck people why cant we just accept the fact that these things all of these people forget what it was like growing up or did they just get born with this fucking egotistical, pretentious gene that causes them to think irrationally. If anything I blame extreme religious views for instilling a false sense of values and unacceptance......good god...I'm going to go have a drink, someone pass the gin......

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Opening day...1 more sleep.

Its finally that time of year again and let me say that it has been much to long since I have been able to say these words...Tomorrow is opening day. If I have to explain what opens on October 5th, do me a favor...Click on the next button on your task bar, or even press the back button on your task bar...Click what ever button you need to click to get you the hell out of here...Cause god damn it its the start of Hockey season and if you don't care about that then you are a heartless, non patriotic, born somewhere else, person with no love of all that is Canadian...That or you are American.
For those still here let us rejoice in the fact that its time once again for the season to start, once again time for Hockey Night In Canada, Sat night double headers and of course love him or hate him, the season wouldn't be the same without him, the one and only Don Cherry. Ah yes it is truly a season to look forward to. I for one was not a fan of the strike and am not sorry to say that I did side with the players on the most part..but as things went on I realized that I saw the owners point and began to hope for both sides to come up with a deal that would help both sides. This I think is what was achieved...I have never looked more forward to a season as I have this year. I love the fact that all the teams do seem to be on more equal footing, every game has the potential to be exciting and mean something. Of course I would be remiss to not mention my overwhelming optimisim for my beloved Montreal Canadians, an exciting looking roster, young guys a great not saying they are going to win the cup...sure like every fan I want my team to win but I'm also a long as they beat the Leafs on a consistent basis..and finish higher in the standings than said Leafs and make the playoffs ...I'm good!
One more sleep...then hockey will be back, it just seems right and comforting to know that hockey is back...its good to be Hockey season, that I can watch while drinking my Tim Hortons coffee and\ or Molson Canadian beer while eating my plate of poutine and having my maple dipped dounut for dessert all while wearing my Montreal Canadians jersey....there are very few things more Canadian than hockey on a Sat night...Sat nights always revolved around hockey, we didnt go anyhere till the game was over. If we were having a party, the game came always brings back memeories of childhood..playing road hockey till 4pm when the Montreal game started....Hockey is just such part of our genetic make-up in glad its back...yes some say its just a game...but its our game. Embrace it, its part of our identity as a country, and a people. I'm glad your back NHL...may you never leave again.....