What sophomore slump?

When an artist has a huge successful album right out the gate, there is always a lot of expectations for the second album. No artist wants to have the "sophomore slump" album, it seems to be through out musical history that the success of your second album distinguishes you from one hit wonder or viable artist. This was the dilemma that faced Sam Roberts.
The first album for the Sam Roberts Band(as they came to be known)was "We were born of a flame". This was a huge album, that came out of nowhere to be embraced by fans and critics alike, it yielded many top hits like "Hard Road", "Brother down" and "Where have all the good people gone?". So when they started to record the new album,"Chemical City", some people and probably thought they had an upward climb...Which I guess they did, but they did deliver a good album.
In trying to tell you what this album is...It would make more sense to tell you what it isn't. What it is not is a rehashing sequel to try and cash in on the success of the first album. It is one of those rare second discs that shows both the grow and promise of an artist that is here to stay. The huge success of "We were born in a flame" has afforded the band the luxury basically doing what they want, and it seems that is not to make the guitar based rock with pop hooks that was the bread and butter of the first album. For those looking for another "Hard Road" or "Brother Down", you won't find it here. This is an album of growth. When I picked it up(yesterday)it seemed different even on the shelf and now after listening to it 4 times right through, from the album art to the execution of the music, this is a different band ,a band that has the new found freedom to make the music they want, and in a way not care about any one else. Oh sure they still rock but there is something different here.
The best way I can describe the change is this way. It's like the difference between the "I wanna hold your hand" Beatles and the "A day in the life" Beatles (and look how that band turned out)same band but they grew up and that's what Chemical City ,is a growth spurt in a bands life. This band has grown up a little and from the sounds coming from my media player right now...That aint to bad a thing....