If there is one thing that will take your mind of anything, it's a trip into the wild, depraved and funny world of the King of Gonzo,
Hunter.S.Thompson. I picked up "Hey, Rube" at this great used book store just down the street from Jen's house here in Victoria. I have been kinda immersed in it, but as with any Hunter book you kinda need to take a step back and out of the Gonzo world and just take a deep breath before you head back in for another dose. This is where my day is at. Time to take a breath so I thought I would put the good Doctor down for a moment and spew my thoughts on a few things that have been goin on in the real world.
First and foremost, I want touch on the new Superman movie,
"Superman Returns". Now the BoyWonder posted about it after we saw it last week(my Second Viewing) and for his thought you can check it out
here(Look-Up in the sky). Like the Boywonder I too am a big fan of this movie. As a comic book fan(i.e Geek)I have always had an appreciation for the character, though not always at the top of my read list. I am a fan of the
1978 version directed by Richard Donner,and Bryan Singer obviously was too having based this sequel on the continuity of Superman and Superman 2(because we all know that there was no Superman 3&4). Singer, who of course directed the first 2 X-Men movies and the Classic
"Usual Suspects", did a great job of this. It was a good story, they handled the characters and source material very well. But the thing that really stands out in this movie is that it looks..Well..Amazing. I am very much in the same boat as the Sidekick on this one and have to say the movie looks beautiful. I won't go on about it because I know there are those that haven't seen it yet and I don't want to spoil anything. But the only thing I didn't like about it?...I will only say this..The Kid...I will leave it at that.
The second big thing that has been going on this summer is the new
"Pirates of the Caribbean" movie. It took two nights to get into this movie but Jen, Bish and I finally saw it Sunday night and we still had to wait in line for an hour or so. The following that this movie has is amazing. Did I think it was a better movie than "Superman Returns"? No..But it was entertaining. I am a fan of the Johnny Depp character(Captain Jack Sparrow) and the effects were good. Overall it was worth my $9.95, I thought it was amazing the amount of money this movie made in the opening weekend 132 million, but when looking at the demographic of people at this thing it truly crossed all lines and appealed to all ages so the amount didn't surprise me after that. I felt a little jipped at the end though..Won't spoil it for anybody. It may have made more money than Superman, but in this humble geek's opinion it's not the better movie. See both if you can ,but if only one..Be sure to catch Supes on the big screen.
Those were the two movies that people were looking forward to this summer. I was one of those that was very much looking forward to Superman, but it came and now the only other thing to look forward to in the realm of movies this summer is this...
click Here... and I can honestly say I am actually looking more forward to this than I was Superman..And all though most will have seen this and even thought it is a year away..I can't wait...
click Here What else..right The World Cup is over...finally...and they say the Stanley Cup playoffs are too long. Now can we please get back to our regular schedule of afternoon poker or anything else for that matter. Sure it was kinda interesting. Yes I actually watched a game or two. But please peole say the NHL needed more scoring...I think that ...ahh who cares I won't even get into it...
There has been other (more important) stuff goin on I know...Harpo and Georgie Porgie getting together(now there was a picture of evil), Cops getting shot in Sask,a flurry of free agent signings and retirings in the NHL, but thats it for now..The original Superman is on the movie channel right now(Ms. Deskmacherrrrrrrrr)and I need a Diet Coke before I re-enter the world of Gonzo.. so for now I will leave it there.....