Spies?....We have spies?....

So I read in the paper that the Canadian version of the F.B.I, C.S.I.S., wants to increase their number of , I'm guessing domestic and international, spies by 70% and are actively recruiting. This sounds like a cool job I'm thinking, sign me up I say to myself.
It can't be that dangerous to be a Canadian spy right? But if someone told me that they needed spies I might look into it, see if I was qualified. James Bond seems to have a good life.But it does make you wonder, just what qualifications do you need to be a spy? If the movies would have you believe anything, all of the following would be needed to be a spy:
1. Must have a tux
2. Kung-fu is a must
3. Must be able to drive latest military Equipment from attack Helicopters to tanks
4. Must be good with gadgets
5. Must be able to have casual sex with women around the world...All in the name of the protection of the Country of course
6. Have no problems killing people...
Upon further reading of the article they listed key things that they look for. So listen up..Have you ever wanted to live the life of a daring spy? A life on the edge of Danger and adventure? Well listen up here what you need to do to be a spy for our great country:
1: A university Degree is a must...In any discipline.
2. Must Speak French. Both official languages. Makes sense
and the number three thing that is an absolute must. A deal breaker in the eyes of the government in you being a spy or not. MUST HAVE A DRIVERS LICENSE.
This made me laugh.
I can see the inteview process now...
Interviewer: "So I see you have a degree in Political science, speak fluent French, Arabic,Sandscrit and spent time with the guerilla warriors of Bogota.?"
Interviewee:" Yes sir."
Interviewer" "And you had an out standing Naval Career, and are a black belt in Karate and are a full flexed Ninja. And you can make a mean cup of coffee?"
Interviewee" Yes sir"
interviewer" Well Son..You make the perfect candidate but you can't drive so Fuck ya"
Makes sense I guess just seems stupid.But then again what good is a spy that can't drive. I just dont think the bus pass would cut it when tring to follow an international criminal. Oh well...
Playlist of the day: Phishy Goodness
Casue people just don't have enough Phish in their life(Excpet the Home office..they exceed there Phish Quota)
1. The Mango Song
2. Stash
3. Taste
4. Waste
5. Bouncin Around the Room
6. 46 days
7. Guyute
8. Reba
9. Fee
11.Weekapuag Groove
This is really the tip of the ice berg. If you have never listened to Phish and want to check them out I can not recommend them enough.
But then you could watch them too.Your Youtube clip of the day