An open letter to Tucker Carlson

For those out there that may not have heard about this story. Tucker Carlson, an out-spoken conservative T.V. host in the states, this week Likened Canada to "retarded cousin" to the United States... but instead of me giving you the details, check out the article go ahead I'll wait....
Ok ,so your back, so what follows is just an open letter from me to this fucknut.
Dear Mr. Carlson
First off just let me get this out of the way, you sir are an idiot. Where do you get off saying anyone is the retarded cousin of anybody? I am beginning to think that a right-leaning person like yourself is just afraid of a forward thinking nation like ours, and why is this?
But I feel like I am already getting off on a tangent. For now lets stick with some facts.
1. You don't think that Canada should demand the 5 billion of illegal dollars that the your country had Canada pay in duties on soft wood lumber. Follow me on this Tucker, keep up I know you didn't graduate university with a degree, but I think you might even understand that it was ILLEGAL. A WTO judge has found this to be true on a number of occasions. So all the US would have to do is make one less stealth bomber or some shit this month and it's done.
2. The U.S. is mad that our Prime Minister Paul Martin, had the balls to stand up and tell you that you as a country have no climate conscience on global warming, this has led you to believe that Canada is getting to big for their britches. Sorry we aren't Tony Blair and don't kiss your countries ass all the time like everyone else. Your just mad that someone stood up to your country and you can't take the critisim. Delusions of grandeur I would say.
3. Canada is a country that you don't take seriously? Is this because we don't have a military that makes up for a short coming everywhere else? Because we just have better things to spend outr money on, like education and medicare(though I know it's not perfect but still better than the system in the States.
4. It's pointless to tell Canada to stop criticizing the States. Of course it is you fucking idiot. Your country deserves a good thrashing every once in awhile,and more people should do it on a regular basis. Grow up and take the heat, Or are you just upset becasue it's true. The Us is like that popular jock in high school who would shove others in lockers but the minute sombody stood up to him, he went and cried like a baby...
5.Oh yes and the fact that you feel that anyone with any ambition and intelligence has left this country? Maybe in the world of entertainment, but in case you haven't noticed other countries try to hire our professionals like doctors and nurses away because they are better trained that those in the States in some cases. Personally I think Canada is full of more intelligent and open minded people, we as a country look after our people and continue to make sure that this is a free country to live in, making sure people have the right to do as they please, like allowing gay marriage. If you ask me that is a sign of intelligence becasue we recognise that in this day and age people's RIGHTS need to change to reflect the social changes that have come along. Unlike your country, and that's what scares you and makes you resort to such statement...Bow- tie wearing bitch....
Mr. Carlson I think you should just go away before your words get you fucking smacked. We don't want you to come here anyway, but if you wanna test our border restrictions just try and get in. Trust me your picture is everywhere at the border, so you stay away.
But I have spent enough time on you, and besides your good friend Jon Stewart, you know the host of the Daily Show who verbally bitch slapped you on nation television awhile ago ,is on so I can go watch him. Which from the sounds of it is what not a alot of people to your show, but that just goes to show that there are some smart people in the States...Probably Transplanted Canadians... Yours truly