Do they deserve a little more respect?

As any of the five people who read this thing regularly could tell you, or if you have actually gone through this receptacle for the thought and opinions that cross my mind, I have an affection for the pop culture. I am a music and movie whore. But the one aspect that I haven't talked about is my love of comic books...Hold on here...Just hear me out....
Comic books are generally looked on with disdain and met with a slight chuckle and passed of as just for kids.
"Guys running around in capes and tights saving the world from ridiculous villains" is usually how one might describe comics passed off as a lesser art form.
Now I started reading comics a lot in maybe grade 6 or 7, Spiderman comics and those of Marvel mostly, but the fact is I was reading. My Mom couldn't figure out why I kept them or anything but she liked the fact that I was reading. I, to this day think that reading comics as a kid promoted me reading later as an adult. I know many people my age that didn't read, comics or anything, as a kid and to this day they still don't read and I truly think that reading should be a part of anybodies life.
I also think that the general public looks down on comic books because they see them just for kids...Simple stories of Superman saving the world.."How complicated could they be?" one might say. Well very in fact. I personally think that some off the best stories in literature..(yes I used the word literature to describe comics wanna fight about it?)..Have been told in the form of comic books. Books like Preacher that told the story of a disgruntled priest named Jesse Custer who is mad at God for abandoning his post and sets off in search of him. The story Nazi concentration prisoners and there pains and fears as told in Maus. People need to give comics a chance, some of the greatest writers we have to day work in comics...Frank Miller, Alan Moore, Neil Gamain,Brian Micheal Bendis, Mark Waid..If you have kids don't be afraid of comics for your kids let them embrace reading. Starting with comics is not a bad thing. I will leave you with a list of comic stories you should scope out and take a chance reading, even if you have never read a comic book beyond Archie or if you haven't read one in awhile I have linked them all to a synopsis...
1.Dark Knight Returns- DC comics
2.Preacher- DC Comics
3.Kingdom Come- DC Comics
5.Marvels- Marvel comics
6.Any Sin City Book you can find
7. Squadron Supreme-
Marvel Comics
8.The Ultimates- Marvel Comics
9. Welcome Back Frank!- Marvel Comics
10. Frank Miller's run on Daredevil in the 1970's
This is just a small list..go out and explore the might be surprised what you find.....